
Senin, 07 Juni 2010

Re: sonofabunch has sent a question about item #120580430872, ending on Jun-14-10 12:23:30 PDT - PRE ORDER APPLE IPHONE 4G HD Worldwide shipping

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Dear sonofabunch,

Once unlock comes out, you can use it with other GSM networks. Unlocking the phone is your responsibility.

- linuxfreak72
Did this answer your question? If not, let the seller know.

From: sonofabunch
To: linuxfreak72
Subject: sonofabunch has sent a question about item #120580430872, ending on Jun-14-10 12:23:30 PDT - PRE ORDER APPLE IPHONE 4G HD Worldwide shipping
Sent Date: Jun-07-10 14:52:27 PDT

Dear linuxfreak72,

you say all I have to do is pop my sim in but this
phone takes a micro sim, how will that work for me?

- sonofabunch
PRE ORDER APPLE IPHONE 4G HD  Worldwide shipping
PRE ORDER APPLE IPHONE 4G HD Worldwide shipping
Item Id:120580430872
End time:Jun-14-10 12:23:30 PDT
linuxfreak72 (148)
100.0% Positive Feedback
Member since Jul-21-02 in United States
Location: OH, United States
Listing Status:This message was sent while the listing was active.
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PRE ORDER APPLE IPHONE 4G HD Worldwide shipping
PRE ORDER APPLE IPHONE 4G HD  Worldwide shipping
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