
Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

Good news. eBay item #290321365403 Joe Jonas Brothers Life-Size Standup Standee Poster #6

Good news. eBay item #290321365403 Joe Jonas Brothers Life-Size Standup Standee Poster #6
If you purchase a standup please be advised that the order will take 10-15 days to ship and 1-6 for transit. To have a rush order please call. 
Hi sonofabunch,

You are the winning buyer for the item below. Thank you for your business!

Item title: Joe Jonas Brothers Life-Size Standup Standee Poster #6
Web address:
Item number: 290321365403
Buyer User ID: sonofabunch
Seller User ID: m3th1cal

Your total is:
$24.99 per item
$0.00 Sales discounts (-) or charges (+)
$13.00 shipping/handling

$37.99 = Total

Please send me your shipping address and payment. The following payment methods
are accepted: Visa/Master Card, Discover, PayPal, Pay On Pickup.

Thank you again for your purchase.

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