
Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

About Alcoholism: These Tests Can Help

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Symptoms / Diagnosis

Getting Help

The Risks

From Buddy T, your Guide to Alcoholism
We have several quizzes on the Alcoholism / Substance Abuse site that can help readers assess their situation to determine if they may need help with a problem. Below are are our most popular quizzes, in order. Someone you know may benefit from taking these tests.

Alcoholism Screening Quiz
Do you have a drinking problem? Take this quiz developed by the Office of Health Care Programs, Johns Hopkins University Hospital.

Adult Child of Alcoholics Screening Quiz
Have you been affected by growing up around someone else's alcohol problem? Take this quiz to determine if you have affected more than you realize.

Are You Enabling an Alcoholic?
Have you enabled an alcoholic or addict to avoid the consequences of his actions? This quiz can help you determine if your actions are enabling.

Are You Troubled by Someone's Drinking?
Millions of people are affected by the excessive drinking of someone close. These questions are designed to help you decide whether or not you need Al-Anon.


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Buddy T
Alcoholism Guide
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Must Reads
What Is Alcoholism?
Symptoms of Alcoholism
Diagnosis of Alcoholism
Treatment of Alcoholism
A Family Disease


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