
Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

You have a second chance offer

Lucky you. Here's a second chance to buy the item you recently lost.
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Lucky you, manish! The seller has offered you a second chance to buy this item. The second time can be a charm.
8gb Apple Iphone 2g With Originals + Case and MORE!
8gb Apple Iphone 2g With Originals + Case and MORE!
Current price:
Buy It Now price:
$143.75Buy It Now
Expiration Time:Oct-11-10 09:48:07 PDT
Message from seller:The first still has not paid. Hope your still looking as it will likely go for much more on the second listing!
sonofabunch (84)
100.0% Positive Feedback
Member since Jan-09-07 in United States
View Item | Ask Seller A Question

Additional Information about Second Chance Offers:
The seller, sonofabunch, is making this Second Chance Offer because the high bidder was either unable to complete the transaction or the seller has a duplicate item for sale.

The selling of this item through Second Chance Offer is in compliance with eBay policy; you will be able to exchange Feedback with the seller and will be eligible for all eBay services associated with a transaction, such as fraud protection.

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  • Pay with PayPal. It's the easy and fast way to pay online, and it lets you shop without sharing your financial details with sellers. PayPal also offers up to $2,000.00 of free purchase protection on qualified eBay purchases. Terms and conditions apply.
  • Keep your money safe - never pay for items with cash or instant money transfer services, such as Western Union or MoneyGram. In the past some sellers have exploited these payment methods in order to defraud buyers, so eBay has banned them from the site.
  • Received a Second Chance Offer email? Double check that it's genuine: Second Chance Offer emails come directly from eBay and are shown in your My Messages.

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