
Kamis, 11 November 2010

RE: insurance

Hi Andy,
   I will be around I think. If you work till 1245 I might stop in. I mentioned before I need a new mouse.
I feel like we forget the bed stuff and move the 'work bee' to spring time. You might not be as swamped.
What do you think?  I also want you to go to the dentist on me before the insurance is up. Let's talk.

                                                                              Love ya Mom
Oh ya, any ideas for you or Stephanie for Christmas?

Subject: Re: insurance
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 18:23:32 -0500

I have one day off until the 20th and that is this Saturday I get off work at 12:45

Sent from my iPhone

On Nov 9, 2010, at 6:54 AM, Suzanne Gaudette <> wrote:

Hi Andy,
 I must have said in the last insurance e-mail that the
total was $112.77 and was for that month, September.
Last month you sent $110, and was $112.77 which I didn't 
tell you as I had lost the bill so just called and paid
that way. I'm thinking yours will stay $112.77 since it
came that way again yesterday.
    Please call when you can talk for a few minutes. 
I know you're busy and I am too so after 7 is usually
a good time up till about 10 or 11. We were supposed to 
get together with Grampa and I'd like to clear up what
happened to that. I was under the impression you were 
going to get a work schedule and call me. If nothing worked
that week you'd call with your next schedule. That was as 
far back as August.

                                  Love ya Mom

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